Monday, May 11, 2009

Stickin' Around

I just happened to take a gander at the Debunking Christianity blog today, and saw John's post about Christian/Atheist (we deserve a capital letter too!) debates. In the post he said religion would always be around. Someone commented that he was saying Christianity/religion can't be debunked. Talk about misunderstanding!

Just because a school of thought, or set of beliefs, manages to stick around with some folks does not mean that it's ultimately true. Just because someone acknowledges that religion isn't going away doesn't mean he can't give some pretty damn good evidence why religion in general, and Christianity in particular, is most likely not true.

It's hard for me as a Christian turned Agnostic that others can't see what to me are now glaring facts...but then, there was a time I couldn't see them either. As I've mentioned before, there is sorrow on both sides of this.