Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sorrow for the Other Side

Something I've been thinking about quite a bit lately, and which has been brought to the forefront of my mind by the comments of two blogging Christian friends, is the idea of being a little sad for people who don't believe like you do.

I will admit right now, I don't really keep in touch with my former church friends. After I'd stopped going, I did received a few phone calls here and there but honestly the talks were uncomfortable to me and so a bit stilted. I didn't have it in me to explain things very well, and so I didn't. I was also going through a divorce at the time, and it was just easier to use that as an excuse as to why I wasn't attending.

I know that there are probably believer friends of mine who are sad that I no longer believe. The reason I know this is that I used to be a believer, and I know the sorrow that accompanies loving someone who you think is in danger of eternal damnation. Even short of that, there is a sadness that nonbelievers don't know the love of God or the fellowship of a community of believers. It is a real, honest sorrow, and it can definitely go beyond (and be devoid of) simply being judgmental.

But, those of us who don't believe can have a bit of a sorrow for those who do believe as well. We have a sorrow that your life can be limited by rules that might not apply to you, and might not do you any good. We have a sorrow that there is a whole world of experience and science and philosophy that your leaders would prefer that you ignore. We have a sorrow that you're spending a lot of time and money and energy on something that isn't real.

I don't mean to say this to be offensive at all; as I have said, I've been on both sides of it. I know the feelings well. So, for those who are believers and feel a bit sad for those who aren't, remember, they might think that about you as well. And nonbelievers - same to you, er, ah, us.


  1. I'm sad because other people's beliefs mean I can't buy beer on Sunday.

    OK, seriously, very well put.

  2. Hey, I randomly found your blog from some database. I just analyzed it and posted it onto my blog for my english 201 class. It is sort of mixing my religious fights with yours.
    Keep writing, I'll keep reading.

  3. You know, I believe that people need to follow their own convictions. While we may not have the same belief system, I also respect that people have the right to believe and feel what they want.

    I believe that has been a main issue in Christianity- people are too judgemental, and it's sad, because no one is perfect.

    *hugs* Well said!
